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Saturday Morning...

Posted by Ben Winslow on November 5, 2005 at 07:15 AM | Permalink

Good morning everyone!

It's Saturday morning and I'm at work putting together the news updates.  There's a bizarre mix of CNN, MSNBC and cartoons on the TV screens in front of me.  As I went out to my car this morning -- gasp! -- SNOW on my car!  Just a light dusting, but still enough to tell me that winter is on its way.

Picture003 This morning on Utah Outdoors with Tim Hughes they're talking about all the cool stuff going on this weekend.  It makes me itchy to get out and enjoy the fall while it lasts for a few more hours!  Before you know it, we'll be in winter and the holidays are just around the corner!  I was in the store last week and saw THIS -- Christmas stuff going up on October 28th.  It wasn't even Halloween yet and Santa was already gracing the store shelves!  This has got to stop.  Can't we just get through Thanksgiving?

Okay, back to work.  Winter weather is going to be a big story today.  One of the most unusual stories this week was this one, file it under the THINGS NEVER TO LOSE department.  Enjoy your weekend!


Our country believes that in order to celebrate the holidays that money must be spent. This causes unnecessary stress on many households.

Lets all change our ways and celebrate the holidays the way we should- with our families.

Posted by: doug hicken | Nov 11, 2005 2:29:49 PM

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