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Merry Christmas v Happy Holidays

Posted by Mary Richards on December 8, 2005 at 08:54 AM | Permalink

Does anyone think that some people get offended way too easily? First we have the groups saying you can't say "Merry Christmas," it has to be "Happy Holidays." Now we have the groups that are angry when you say "Happy Holidays," they want to hear "Merry Christmas." President Bush's Christmas card says "Happy Holidays," and groups are offended. But if he said "Merry Christmas" other groups would be offended. Is there a right answer?

Doug Wright was talking about this, and he mentioned a rabbi who is asking that people not water down the holidays. I think he was concerned about those in a family with both Jewish and Christian traditions. He says don't lump Hanukkuh and Christmas into just "the holidays" -- celebrate both clearly.

Another hot topic around here is the group suing over the memorial crosses for fallen UHP troopers. A group is suing because it says the crosses are a religious symbol, so they shouldn't be on public land by the highways. What do you think?


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