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newsroom sickness

Posted by Mary Richards on January 19, 2006 at 09:33 AM | Permalink

You name it, someone here has it. Sickness is stricking the KSL news team! If it's not one of us, it's a member of our family. We are a little short-staffed this week because of it. The morning editor, Suzanne, has been out. Chris Kaye was back today but gone off and on this week. So was the noon editor, Paul Nelson. Jon Dunn was out last week. So was Ben Winslow. I feel it coming for me! I have hand sanitizer sitting in the newsroom and use it often.

I filled in for Suzanne this morning. On my way in at 3 AM I saw tons of flashing lights and police cruisers rushing south on I-15. I thought, "I wonder if we know about that." Then I saw a TV live truck rush by too. Good, I thought. Turns out an officer was in trouble. He's ok this morning, but was involved in a fight after trying to break up a loud party.

It was a happening morning on the news. You know it's a bad traffic and weather day when even the traffic hits at 5 AM are full of accidents and slide-offs. Usually Chris doesn't have much to talk about during that hour. But the roads up Parley's Canyon are clean and clear. Nice driving for Sundance festival-goers. Welcome to Utah, celebrities!


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