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Stories this week
Posted by Mary Richards on January 16, 2006 at 12:25 PM | Permalink
I just love the stories I'm working on this week. My closer running tomorrow really touched me. I spoke with Janine Chandler, a Holladay resident who had breast cancer. She kept working through cancer treatment. She cried during the interview and I got teary-eyed too, as she talked about how her life has changed, and how supportive her co-workers have been.
This job is so interesting. I go from an interview like that, to talking to legislators about what's coming up in this year's session. Lots of talk about tax cuts and toll roads. I reported live from the Capitol this morning on Utah's Morning News. It was still dark when I got there, but I got a parking space! We do have a limited number of media spaces, but they are on the East side, and the Legislature meets in the West Building. So I did my live shot at 7:04 AM, then stepped out of the car, walked carefully in my cute-but-not-sensible-shoes across the slick sidewalks to the other building to find anyone there early. Not much luck. I got back to the car at 7:21 AM, cutting it close but just in time to check sound and make sure I was good to go live at 7:30. It's funny, our radio hits are about 35-40 seconds long, so it gives us a different perspective. I'll get in the car with two minutes before I have to go live and not a thing written down. You think you can do it because two minutes is an eternity in radio, but it still makes your heart pound when you hear them toss to you and you are still scribbling out your last line! For that reason I try not to do it too much.
I just got back from Orem, where I spoke with the people at Halestorm Entertainment, as well as the guy behind the LDS Film Festival. They run that festival the same week as Sundance so that hopefully more people will come see one of their films while they are in town. The guys at Halestorm are tons of fun. They have some films in the works that look interesting, "Suits on the Loose" and "Take a Chance." Everyone in the office was dressed down -- some sweats, some T-shirts. I don't know if it's because it's a holiday, or if they are just that relaxed in that office.
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